Have you heard the calling of your Metaphysical Soul?
33 Years on This Spiritual Journey and Counting...
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Come and join me on Our Collective Human Ascension Journey as I explore Strange New Worlds within myself and discuss deep Metaphysical Principles and tell marvelous stories from my experiences of a Charmed Life.
Recorded and published daily, I try to include in every episode news of the Schumann Resonance frequency, the Heartbeat energy of the Earth and Ascension News and Current Symptoms for the Ascension flu we are all collectively experiencing.
In my show, I review spiritual podcasts, books and apps to thrill and excite you about your journey. I delve into Shadow Work to facilitate your emotional healing on deeper levels in some episodes. In others, I give real and true information and insight from the Mystery Schools. In others still, I channel famous people such as Robin Williams and Albert Einstein, Gaia, the Spirit of our Planet, Magicians such as Merlin and Nostradamos, even God and Brother Yeheshua (Jesus).
Come and LISTEN to what you have been missing so far! Join me on my journey, which is also yours.
Come, take my hand, we are Soul Family, We are in the same Soul Tribe. Listen here, now, on your own schedule:
Free to Listen and Published Daily. Already 90 Full length episodes are just waiting for you to Discover. Every episode is DOWNLOADABLE free so you can listen offline and on the go!
Become my listener, favorite my podcast and and listen in for New and Unique Content, most information that is not available anywhere else on Earth.
Thank you for listening.
With Peace and Joy and the HIGH VIBES of the HOLY FIFTH DIMENSION!
Reverend Alanna Fox Starks, D.D.
Creator and Host of Metaphysical Soul Speak --The Podcast!
[email protected]
LISTEN HERE 24/7 FOR FREE, NOW: Anchor.fm/Metaphysical
Come and join me on Our Collective Human Ascension Journey as I explore Strange New Worlds within myself and discuss deep Metaphysical Principles and tell marvelous stories from my experiences of a Charmed Life.
Recorded and published daily, I try to include in every episode news of the Schumann Resonance frequency, the Heartbeat energy of the Earth and Ascension News and Current Symptoms for the Ascension flu we are all collectively experiencing.
In my show, I review spiritual podcasts, books and apps to thrill and excite you about your journey. I delve into Shadow Work to facilitate your emotional healing on deeper levels in some episodes. In others, I give real and true information and insight from the Mystery Schools. In others still, I channel famous people such as Robin Williams and Albert Einstein, Gaia, the Spirit of our Planet, Magicians such as Merlin and Nostradamos, even God and Brother Yeheshua (Jesus).
Come and LISTEN to what you have been missing so far! Join me on my journey, which is also yours.
Come, take my hand, we are Soul Family, We are in the same Soul Tribe. Listen here, now, on your own schedule:
Free to Listen and Published Daily. Already 90 Full length episodes are just waiting for you to Discover. Every episode is DOWNLOADABLE free so you can listen offline and on the go!
Become my listener, favorite my podcast and and listen in for New and Unique Content, most information that is not available anywhere else on Earth.
Thank you for listening.
With Peace and Joy and the HIGH VIBES of the HOLY FIFTH DIMENSION!
Reverend Alanna Fox Starks, D.D.
Creator and Host of Metaphysical Soul Speak --The Podcast!
[email protected]
A peek into the Life of a Heyoka Lightning Shaman!
Come Join Me and Listen to What the Universe has to Offer You... |
Well, My Soul Friend, What are you waiting for? Listen Now! Anchor.fm/Metaphysical
"Wanna take a ride?" --Art Bell |